Choose a Pokémon:
By type:
Zen Headbutt (Cabezazo Zen / しねんのずつき) is a Psychic-type move introduced in generation 4. Zen Headbutt is TM059.
The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. This may also make the target flinch.
Num | Pokémon | Type | Abilities | Level |
#0048 | Venonat |
Compound Eyes Tinted Lens Run Away |
37 | |
#0049 | Venomoth |
Shield Dust Tinted Lens Wonder Skin |
41 | |
#0054 | Psyduck |
Damp Cloud Nine Swift Swim |
18 | |
#0055 | Golduck |
Damp Cloud Nine Swift Swim |
18 | |
#0079 | Slowpoke |
Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator |
24 | |
#0079 | Slowpoke Galarian Form |
Gluttony Own Tempo Regenerator |
24 | |
#0080 | Slowbro |
Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator |
24 | |
#0080 | Slowbro Galarian Form |
Quick Draw Own Tempo Regenerator |
24 | |
#0096 | Drowzee |
Insomnia Forewarn Inner Focus |
29 | |
#0097 | Hypno |
Insomnia Forewarn Inner Focus |
32 | |
#0128 | Tauros |
Intimidate Anger Point Sheer Force |
30 | |
#0128 | Tauros Paldean Form |
Intimidate Anger Point Cud Chew |
30 | |
#0128 | Tauros Paldean Form |
Intimidate Anger Point Cud Chew |
30 | |
#0128 | Tauros Paldean Form |
Intimidate Anger Point Cud Chew |
30 | |
#0199 | Slowking Galarian Form |
Curious Medicine Own Tempo Regenerator |
24 | |
#0234 | Stantler |
Intimidate Frisk Sap Sipper |
37 | |
#0270 | Lotad |
Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo |
38 | |
#0271 | Lombre |
Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo |
50 | |
#0302 | Sableye |
Keen Eye Stall Prankster |
42 | |
#0307 | Meditite |
Pure Power Telepathy |
25 | |
#0308 | Medicham |
Pure Power Telepathy |
25 | |
#0313 | Volbeat |
Illuminate Swarm Prankster |
29 | |
#0314 | Illumise |
Oblivious Tinted Lens Prankster |
33 | |
#0326 | Grumpig |
Thick Fat Own Tempo Gluttony |
26 | |
#0340 | Whiscash |
Oblivious Anticipation Hydration |
1 | |
#0371 | Bagon |
Rock Head Sheer Force |
35 | |
#0372 | Shelgon |
Rock Head Overcoat |
39 | |
#0373 | Salamence |
Intimidate Moxie |
39 | |
#0375 | Metang |
Clear Body Light Metal |
6 | |
#0376 | Metagross |
Clear Body Light Metal |
6 | |
#0380 | Latias |
Levitate |
40 | |
#0381 | Latios |
Levitate |
40 | |
#0385 | Jirachi |
Serene Grace |
28 | |
#0386 | Deoxys Normal Forme |
Pressure |
49 | |
#0386 | Deoxys Attack Forme |
Pressure |
49 | |
#0386 | Deoxys Defense Forme |
Pressure |
49 | |
#0386 | Deoxys Speed Forme |
Pressure |
49 | |
#0408 | Cranidos |
Mold Breaker Sheer Force |
37 | |
#0409 | Rampardos |
Mold Breaker Sheer Force |
43 | |
#0486 | Regigigas |
Slow Start |
54 | |
#0585 | Deerling Spring Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0585 | Deerling Summer Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0585 | Deerling Autumn Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0585 | Deerling Winter Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Spring Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Summer Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Autumn Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Winter Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
24 | |
#0644 | Zekrom |
Teravolt |
24 | |
#0720 | Hoopa Hoopa Confined |
Magician |
46 | |
#0765 | Oranguru |
Inner Focus Telepathy Symbiosis |
35 | |
#0791 | Solgaleo |
Full Metal Body |
21 | |
#0899 | Wyrdeer |
Intimidate Frisk Sap Sipper |
37 | |
#0951 | Capsakid |
Chlorophyll Insomnia Klutz |
28 | |
#0952 | Scovillain |
Chlorophyll Insomnia Moody |
28 | |
#1005 | Roaring Moon |
Protosynthesis |
35 |
Num | Pokémon | Type | Abilities |
#0007 | Squirtle |
Torrent Rain Dish |
#0008 | Wartortle |
Torrent Rain Dish |
#0009 | Blastoise |
Torrent Rain Dish |
#0035 | Clefairy |
Cute Charm Magic Guard Friend Guard |
#0036 | Clefable |
Cute Charm Magic Guard Unaware |
#0037 | Vulpix |
Flash Fire Drought |
#0037 | Vulpix Alolan Form |
Snow Cloak Snow Warning |
#0038 | Ninetales |
Flash Fire Drought |
#0038 | Ninetales Alolan Form |
Snow Cloak Snow Warning |
#0039 | Jigglypuff |
Cute Charm Competitive Friend Guard |
#0040 | Wigglytuff |
Cute Charm Competitive Frisk |
#0048 | Venonat |
Compound Eyes Tinted Lens Run Away |
#0049 | Venomoth |
Shield Dust Tinted Lens Wonder Skin |
#0054 | Psyduck |
Damp Cloud Nine Swift Swim |
#0055 | Golduck |
Damp Cloud Nine Swift Swim |
#0079 | Slowpoke |
Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator |
#0079 | Slowpoke Galarian Form |
Gluttony Own Tempo Regenerator |
#0080 | Slowbro |
Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator |
#0080 | Slowbro Galarian Form |
Quick Draw Own Tempo Regenerator |
#0088 | Grimer |
Stench Sticky Hold Poison Touch |
#0088 | Grimer Alolan Form |
Poison Touch Gluttony Power of Alchemy |
#0089 | Muk |
Stench Sticky Hold Poison Touch |
#0089 | Muk Alolan Form |
Poison Touch Gluttony Power of Alchemy |
#0096 | Drowzee |
Insomnia Forewarn Inner Focus |
#0097 | Hypno |
Insomnia Forewarn Inner Focus |
#0102 | Exeggcute |
Chlorophyll Harvest |
#0103 | Exeggutor |
Chlorophyll Harvest |
#0103 | Exeggutor Alolan Form |
Frisk Harvest |
#0113 | Chansey |
Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer |
#0128 | Tauros |
Intimidate Anger Point Sheer Force |
#0128 | Tauros Paldean Form |
Intimidate Anger Point Cud Chew |
#0128 | Tauros Paldean Form |
Intimidate Anger Point Cud Chew |
#0128 | Tauros Paldean Form |
Intimidate Anger Point Cud Chew |
#0131 | Lapras |
Water Absorb Shell Armor Hydration |
#0137 | Porygon |
Trace Download Analytic |
#0143 | Snorlax |
Immunity Thick Fat Gluttony |
#0150 | Mewtwo |
Pressure Unnerve |
#0151 | Mew |
Synchronize |
#0154 | Meganium |
Overgrow Leaf Guard |
#0155 | Cyndaquil |
Blaze Flash Fire |
#0156 | Quilava |
Blaze Flash Fire |
#0157 | Typhlosion |
Blaze Flash Fire |
#0157 | Typhlosion Hisuian Forme |
Blaze Frisk |
#0162 | Furret |
Run Away Keen Eye Frisk |
#0163 | Hoothoot |
Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens |
#0164 | Noctowl |
Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens |
#0173 | Cleffa |
Cute Charm Magic Guard Friend Guard |
#0196 | Espeon |
Synchronize Magic Bounce |
#0199 | Slowking |
Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator |
#0199 | Slowking Galarian Form |
Curious Medicine Own Tempo Regenerator |
#0203 | Girafarig |
Inner Focus Early Bird Sap Sipper |
#0206 | Dunsparce |
Serene Grace Run Away Rattled |
#0233 | Porygon2 |
Trace Download Analytic |
#0234 | Stantler |
Intimidate Frisk Sap Sipper |
#0242 | Blissey |
Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer |
#0249 | Lugia |
Pressure Multiscale |
#0250 | Ho-Oh |
Pressure Regenerator |
#0270 | Lotad |
Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo |
#0271 | Lombre |
Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo |
#0272 | Ludicolo |
Swift Swim Rain Dish Own Tempo |
#0280 | Ralts |
Synchronize Trace Telepathy |
#0281 | Kirlia |
Synchronize Trace Telepathy |
#0282 | Gardevoir |
Synchronize Trace Telepathy |
#0285 | Shroomish |
Effect Spore Poison Heal Quick Feet |
#0286 | Breloom |
Effect Spore Poison Heal Technician |
#0287 | Slakoth |
Truant |
#0288 | Vigoroth |
Vital Spirit |
#0289 | Slaking |
Truant |
#0296 | Makuhita |
Thick Fat Guts Sheer Force |
#0297 | Hariyama |
Thick Fat Guts Sheer Force |
#0302 | Sableye |
Keen Eye Stall Prankster |
#0307 | Meditite |
Pure Power Telepathy |
#0308 | Medicham |
Pure Power Telepathy |
#0313 | Volbeat |
Illuminate Swarm Prankster |
#0314 | Illumise |
Oblivious Tinted Lens Prankster |
#0317 | Swalot |
Liquid Ooze Sticky Hold Gluttony |
#0322 | Numel |
Oblivious Simple Own Tempo |
#0323 | Camerupt |
Magma Armor Solid Rock Anger Point |
#0324 | Torkoal |
White Smoke Drought Shell Armor |
#0325 | Spoink |
Thick Fat Own Tempo Gluttony |
#0326 | Grumpig |
Thick Fat Own Tempo Gluttony |
#0332 | Cacturne |
Sand Veil Water Absorb |
#0335 | Zangoose |
Immunity Toxic Boost |
#0336 | Seviper |
Shed Skin Infiltrator |
#0339 | Barboach |
Oblivious Anticipation Hydration |
#0340 | Whiscash |
Oblivious Anticipation Hydration |
#0357 | Tropius |
Chlorophyll Solar Power Harvest |
#0358 | Chimecho |
Levitate |
#0371 | Bagon |
Rock Head Sheer Force |
#0372 | Shelgon |
Rock Head Overcoat |
#0373 | Salamence |
Intimidate Moxie |
#0374 | Beldum |
Clear Body Light Metal |
#0375 | Metang |
Clear Body Light Metal |
#0376 | Metagross |
Clear Body Light Metal |
#0380 | Latias |
Levitate |
#0381 | Latios |
Levitate |
#0383 | Groudon |
Drought |
#0385 | Jirachi |
Serene Grace |
#0386 | Deoxys Normal Forme |
Pressure |
#0386 | Deoxys Attack Forme |
Pressure |
#0386 | Deoxys Defense Forme |
Pressure |
#0386 | Deoxys Speed Forme |
Pressure |
#0387 | Turtwig |
Overgrow Shell Armor |
#0388 | Grotle |
Overgrow Shell Armor |
#0389 | Torterra |
Overgrow Shell Armor |
#0390 | Chimchar |
Blaze Iron Fist |
#0391 | Monferno |
Blaze Iron Fist |
#0392 | Infernape |
Blaze Iron Fist |
#0408 | Cranidos |
Mold Breaker Sheer Force |
#0409 | Rampardos |
Mold Breaker Sheer Force |
#0433 | Chingling |
Levitate |
#0436 | Bronzor |
Levitate Heatproof Heavy Metal |
#0437 | Bronzong |
Levitate Heatproof Heavy Metal |
#0440 | Happiny |
Natural Cure Serene Grace Friend Guard |
#0446 | Munchlax |
Pickup Thick Fat Gluttony |
#0447 | Riolu |
Steadfast Inner Focus Prankster |
#0448 | Lucario |
Steadfast Inner Focus Justified |
#0474 | Porygon-Z |
Adaptability Download Analytic |
#0475 | Gallade |
Steadfast Sharpness Justified |
#0480 | Uxie |
Levitate |
#0481 | Mesprit |
Levitate |
#0482 | Azelf |
Levitate |
#0486 | Regigigas |
Slow Start |
#0488 | Cresselia |
Levitate |
#0489 | Phione |
Hydration |
#0490 | Manaphy |
Hydration |
#0492 | Shaymin Land Forme |
Natural Cure |
#0492 | Shaymin Sky Forme |
Serene Grace |
#0493 | Arceus |
Multitype |
#0498 | Tepig |
Blaze Thick Fat |
#0499 | Pignite |
Blaze Thick Fat |
#0500 | Emboar |
Blaze Reckless |
#0550 | Basculin Red-Striped Form |
Reckless Adaptability Mold Breaker |
#0550 | Basculin Blue-Striped Form |
Rock Head Adaptability Mold Breaker |
#0550 | Basculin White-Striped Form |
Rattled Adaptability Mold Breaker |
#0559 | Scraggy |
Shed Skin Moxie Intimidate |
#0560 | Scrafty |
Shed Skin Moxie Intimidate |
#0574 | Gothita |
Frisk Competitive Shadow Tag |
#0575 | Gothorita |
Frisk Competitive Shadow Tag |
#0576 | Gothitelle |
Frisk Competitive Shadow Tag |
#0577 | Solosis |
Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator |
#0578 | Duosion |
Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator |
#0579 | Reuniclus |
Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator |
#0585 | Deerling Spring Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0585 | Deerling Summer Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0585 | Deerling Autumn Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0585 | Deerling Winter Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Spring Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Summer Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Autumn Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0586 | Sawsbuck Winter Form |
Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace |
#0594 | Alomomola |
Healer Hydration Regenerator |
#0604 | Eelektross |
Levitate |
#0623 | Golurk |
Iron Fist Klutz No Guard |
#0627 | Rufflet |
Keen Eye Sheer Force Hustle |
#0628 | Braviary |
Keen Eye Sheer Force Defiant |
#0628 | Braviary Hisuian Forme |
Keen Eye Sheer Force Tinted Lens |
#0633 | Deino |
Hustle |
#0634 | Zweilous |
Hustle |
#0635 | Hydreigon |
Levitate |
#0636 | Larvesta |
Flame Body Swarm |
#0637 | Volcarona |
Flame Body Swarm |
#0638 | Cobalion |
Justified |
#0639 | Terrakion |
Justified |
#0640 | Virizion |
Justified |
#0642 | Thundurus Incarnate Forme |
Prankster Defiant |
#0643 | Reshiram |
Turboblaze |
#0644 | Zekrom |
Teravolt |
#0646 | Kyurem Kyurem |
Pressure |
#0646 | Kyurem Black Kyurem |
Teravolt |
#0646 | Kyurem White Kyurem |
Turboblaze |
#0648 | Meloetta Aria Forme |
Serene Grace |
#0650 | Chespin |
Overgrow Bulletproof |
#0651 | Quilladin |
Overgrow Bulletproof |
#0652 | Chesnaught |
Overgrow Bulletproof |
#0654 | Braixen |
Blaze Magician |
#0655 | Delphox |
Blaze Magician |
#0672 | Skiddo |
Sap Sipper Grass Pelt |
#0673 | Gogoat |
Sap Sipper Grass Pelt |
#0677 | Espurr |
Keen Eye Infiltrator Own Tempo |
#0678 | Meowstic Male |
Keen Eye Infiltrator Prankster |
#0678 | Meowstic Female |
Keen Eye Infiltrator Competitive |
#0701 | Hawlucha |
Limber Unburden Mold Breaker |
#0720 | Hoopa Hoopa Confined |
Magician |
#0720 | Hoopa Hoopa Unbound |
Magician |
#0734 | Yungoos |
Stakeout Strong Jaw Adaptability |
#0735 | Gumshoos |
Stakeout Strong Jaw Adaptability |
#0739 | Crabrawler |
Hyper Cutter Iron Fist Anger Point |
#0740 | Crabominable |
Hyper Cutter Iron Fist Anger Point |
#0744 | Rockruff |
Keen Eye Vital Spirit Steadfast |
#0745 | Lycanroc Midday Form |
Keen Eye Sand Rush Steadfast |
#0745 | Lycanroc Midnight Form |
Keen Eye Vital Spirit No Guard |
#0745 | Lycanroc Dusk Form |
Tough Claws |
#0761 | Bounsweet |
Leaf Guard Oblivious Sweet Veil |
#0762 | Steenee |
Leaf Guard Oblivious Sweet Veil |
#0763 | Tsareena |
Leaf Guard Queenly Majesty Sweet Veil |
#0765 | Oranguru |
Inner Focus Telepathy Symbiosis |
#0774 | Minior Meteor Form |
Shields Down |
#0775 | Komala |
Comatose |
#0791 | Solgaleo |
Full Metal Body |
#0801 | Magearna |
Soul-Heart |
#0815 | Cinderace |
Blaze Libero |
#0842 | Appletun |
Ripen Gluttony Thick Fat |
#0844 | Sandaconda |
Sand Spit Shed Skin Sand Veil |
#0870 | Falinks |
Battle Armor Defiant |
#0875 | Eiscue Ice Face |
Ice Face |
#0876 | Indeedee Male |
Inner Focus Synchronize Psychic Surge |
#0876 | Indeedee Female |
Own Tempo Synchronize Psychic Surge |
#0878 | Cufant |
Sheer Force Heavy Metal |
#0879 | Copperajah |
Sheer Force Heavy Metal |
#0891 | Kubfu |
Inner Focus No Guard |
#0892 | Urshifu Single Strike Style |
Unseen Fist |
#0892 | Urshifu Rapid Strike Style |
Unseen Fist |
#0896 | Glastrier |
Chilling Neigh |
#0898 | Calyrex |
Unnerve |
#0898 | Calyrex Ice Rider |
As One |
#0898 | Calyrex Shadow Rider |
As One |
#0899 | Wyrdeer |
Intimidate Frisk Sap Sipper |
#0902 | Basculegion Male |
Swift Swim Adaptability Mold Breaker |
#0902 | Basculegion Female |
Swift Swim Adaptability Mold Breaker |
#0905 | Enamorus |
Cute Charm Contrary |
#0909 | Fuecoco |
Blaze Unaware |
#0910 | Crocalor |
Blaze Unaware |
#0911 | Skeledirge |
Blaze Unaware |
#0915 | Lechonk |
Aroma Veil Gluttony Thick Fat |
#0916 | Oinkologne Male |
Lingering Aroma Gluttony Thick Fat |
#0916 | Oinkologne Female |
Aroma Veil Gluttony Thick Fat |
#0932 | Nacli |
Purifying Salt Sturdy Clear Body |
#0933 | Naclstack |
Purifying Salt Sturdy Clear Body |
#0934 | Garganacl |
Purifying Salt Sturdy Clear Body |
#0951 | Capsakid |
Chlorophyll Insomnia Klutz |
#0952 | Scovillain |
Chlorophyll Insomnia Moody |
#0954 | Rabsca |
Synchronize Telepathy |
#0955 | Flittle |
Anticipation Frisk Speed Boost |
#0956 | Espathra |
Opportunist Frisk Speed Boost |
#0963 | Finizen |
Water Veil |
#0964 | Palafin Zero Form |
Zero to Hero |
#0965 | Varoom |
Overcoat Slow Start |
#0966 | Revavroom |
Overcoat Filter |
#0976 | Veluza |
Mold Breaker Sharpness |
#0977 | Dondozo |
Unaware Oblivious Water Veil |
#0980 | Clodsire |
Poison Point Water Absorb Unaware |
#0981 | Farigiraf |
Cud Chew Armor Tail Sap Sipper |
#0982 | Dudunsparce Two-Segment Form |
Serene Grace Run Away Rattled |
#0983 | Kingambit |
Defiant Supreme Overlord Pressure |
#0984 | Great Tusk |
Protosynthesis |
#0985 | Scream Tail |
Protosynthesis |
#0986 | Brute Bonnet |
Protosynthesis |
#0988 | Slither Wing |
Protosynthesis |
#0990 | Iron Treads |
Quark Drive |
#0993 | Iron Jugulis |
Quark Drive |
#0998 | Baxcalibur |
Thermal Exchange Ice Body |
#1001 | Wo-Chien |
Tablets of Ruin |
#1003 | Ting-Lu |
Vessel of Ruin |
#1004 | Chi-Yu |
Beads of Ruin |
#1005 | Roaring Moon |
Protosynthesis |
#1006 | Iron Valiant |
Quark Drive |
#1007 | Koraidon |
Orichalcum Pulse |
#1008 | Miraidon |
Hadron Engine |
#1017 | Ogerpon Teal Mask Form |
Embody Aspect |
#1022 | Iron Boulder |
Quark Drive |
#1023 | Iron Crown |
Quark Drive |
#1024 | Terapagos |
Tera Shift |