List of Ghost-type Pokémon

Here you can check a complete list of all Ghost-type Pokémon from Scarlet & Violet:

List of Ghost-type Pokémon

Num Pokémon Type Abilities Base stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd Total
#0092 Gastly Ghost Poison Levitate
30 35 30 100 35 80 310
#0093 Haunter Ghost Poison Levitate
45 50 45 115 55 95 405
#0094 Gengar Ghost Poison Cursed Body
60 65 60 130 75 110 500
#0157 Typhlosion
Hisuian Forme
Fire Ghost Blaze


73 84 78 119 85 95 534
#0200 Misdreavus Ghost Levitate
60 60 60 85 85 85 435
#0302 Sableye Dark Ghost Keen Eye


50 75 75 65 65 50 380
#0353 Shuppet Ghost Insomnia

Cursed Body

44 75 35 63 33 45 295
#0354 Banette Ghost Insomnia

Cursed Body

64 115 65 83 63 65 455
#0355 Duskull Ghost Levitate


20 40 90 30 90 25 295
#0356 Dusclops Ghost Pressure


40 70 130 60 130 25 455
#0425 Drifloon Ghost Flying Aftermath

Flare Boost

90 50 34 60 44 70 348
#0426 Drifblim Ghost Flying Aftermath

Flare Boost

150 80 44 90 54 80 498
#0429 Mismagius Ghost Levitate
60 60 60 105 105 105 495
#0442 Spiritomb Ghost Dark Pressure


50 92 108 92 108 35 485
#0477 Dusknoir Ghost Pressure


45 100 135 65 135 45 525
#0478 Froslass Ice Ghost Snow Cloak

Cursed Body

70 80 70 80 70 110 480
#0479 Rotom
Electric Ghost Levitate
50 50 77 95 77 91 440
#0487 Giratina
Altered Forme
Ghost Dragon Pressure


150 100 120 100 120 90 680
#0487 Giratina
Origin Forme
Ghost Dragon Levitate
150 120 100 120 100 90 680
#0570 Zorua
Hisuian Forme
Normal Ghost Illusion
35 60 40 85 40 70 330
#0571 Zoroark
Hisuian Forme
Normal Ghost Illusion
60 105 60 120 60 105 510
#0607 Litwick Ghost Fire Flash Fire
Flame Body


50 30 55 65 55 20 275
#0608 Lampent Ghost Fire Flash Fire
Flame Body


60 40 60 95 60 55 370
#0609 Chandelure Ghost Fire Flash Fire
Flame Body


60 55 90 145 90 80 520
#0622 Golett Ground Ghost Iron Fist

No Guard

59 74 50 35 50 35 303
#0623 Golurk Ground Ghost Iron Fist

No Guard

89 124 80 55 80 55 483
#0708 Phantump Ghost Grass Natural Cure


43 70 48 50 60 38 309
#0709 Trevenant Ghost Grass Natural Cure


85 110 76 65 82 56 474
#0720 Hoopa
Hoopa Confined
Psychic Ghost Magician
80 110 60 150 130 70 600
#0724 Decidueye Grass Ghost Overgrow

Long Reach

78 107 75 100 100 70 530
#0741 Oricorio
Sensu Style
Ghost Flying Dancer
75 70 70 98 70 93 476
#0769 Sandygast Ghost Ground Water Compaction

Sand Veil

55 55 80 70 45 15 320
#0770 Palossand Ghost Ground Water Compaction

Sand Veil

85 75 110 100 75 35 480
#0778 Mimikyu
Disguised Form
Ghost Fairy Disguise
55 90 80 50 105 96 476
#0792 Lunala Psychic Ghost Shadow Shield
137 113 89 137 107 97 680
#0800 Necrozma
Dawn Wings
Psychic Ghost Prism Armor
97 113 109 157 127 77 680
#0854 Sinistea
Phony Form
Ghost Weak Armor

Cursed Body

40 45 45 74 54 50 308
#0855 Polteageist
Phony Form
Ghost Weak Armor

Cursed Body

60 65 65 134 114 70 508
#0885 Dreepy Dragon Ghost Clear Body

Cursed Body

28 60 30 40 30 82 270
#0886 Drakloak Dragon Ghost Clear Body

Cursed Body

68 80 50 60 50 102 410
#0887 Dragapult Dragon Ghost Clear Body

Cursed Body

88 120 75 100 75 142 600
#0897 Spectrier Ghost Grim Neigh
100 65 60 145 80 130 580
#0898 Calyrex
Shadow Rider
Psychic Ghost As One
100 85 80 165 100 150 680
#0902 Basculegion
Water Ghost Swift Swim

Mold Breaker

120 112 65 80 75 78 530
#0902 Basculegion
Water Ghost Swift Swim

Mold Breaker

120 92 65 100 75 78 530
#0911 Skeledirge Fire Ghost Blaze


104 75 100 110 75 66 530
#0937 Ceruledge Fire Ghost Flash Fire

Weak Armor

75 125 80 60 100 85 525
#0946 Bramblin Grass Ghost Wind Rider


40 65 30 45 35 60 275
#0947 Brambleghast Grass Ghost Wind Rider


55 115 70 80 70 90 480
#0971 Greavard Ghost Pickup


50 61 60 30 55 34 290
#0972 Houndstone Ghost Sand Rush


72 101 100 50 97 68 488
#0979 Annihilape Fighting Ghost Vital Spirit
Inner Focus


110 115 80 50 90 90 535
#0987 Flutter Mane Ghost Fairy Protosynthesis
55 55 55 135 135 135 570
#0999 Gimmighoul
Chest Form
Ghost Rattled
45 30 70 75 70 10 300
#0999 Gimmighoul
Roaming Form
Ghost Run Away
45 30 25 75 45 80 300
#1000 Gholdengo Steel Ghost Good as Gold
87 60 95 133 91 84 550
#1012 Poltchageist
Unremarkable Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
40 45 45 74 54 50 308
#1012 Poltchageist
Masterpiece Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
40 45 45 74 54 50 308
#1013 Sinistcha
Unremarkable Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
71 60 106 121 80 70 508
#1013 Sinistcha
Masterpiece Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
71 60 106 121 80 70 508
#1025 Pecharunt Poison Ghost Poison Puppeteer
88 88 160 88 88 88 600

List of Ghost-type moves

Move Category Power Accuracy PP % Eff
Astonish 30 100% 15 Flinch: 30%
Astral Barrage 120 100% 5
Bitter Malice 75 100% 10
Confuse Ray 100% 10
Curse 10
Destiny Bond 5
Hex 65 100% 10
Infernal Parade 60 100% 15 Burn: 30%
Last Respects 50 100% 10
Lick 30 100% 30 Paralyze: 30%
Night Shade 1 100% 15
Phantom Force 90 100% 10
Poltergeist 110 90% 5
Rage Fist 50 100% 10
Shadow Ball 80 100% 15
Shadow Claw 70 100% 15
Shadow Force 120 100% 5
Shadow Punch 60 20
Shadow Sneak 40 100% 30
Spirit Shackle 80 100% 10
Spite 100% 10

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