List of Dragon-type Pokémon

Here you can check a complete list of all Dragon-type Pokémon from Scarlet & Violet:

List of Dragon-type Pokémon

Num Pokémon Type Abilities Base stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd Total
#0103 Exeggutor
Alolan Form
Grass Dragon Frisk


95 105 85 125 75 45 530
#0147 Dratini Dragon Shed Skin

Marvel Scale

41 64 45 50 50 50 300
#0148 Dragonair Dragon Shed Skin

Marvel Scale

61 84 65 70 70 70 420
#0149 Dragonite Dragon Flying Inner Focus


91 134 95 100 100 80 600
#0230 Kingdra Water Dragon Swift Swim


75 95 95 95 95 85 540
#0329 Vibrava Ground Dragon Levitate
50 70 50 50 50 70 340
#0330 Flygon Ground Dragon Levitate
80 100 80 80 80 100 520
#0334 Altaria Dragon Flying Natural Cure

Cloud Nine

75 70 90 70 105 80 490
#0371 Bagon Dragon Rock Head

Sheer Force

45 75 60 40 30 50 300
#0372 Shelgon Dragon Rock Head


65 95 100 60 50 50 420
#0373 Salamence Dragon Flying Intimidate


95 135 80 110 80 100 600
#0380 Latias Dragon Psychic Levitate
80 80 90 110 130 110 600
#0381 Latios Dragon Psychic Levitate
80 90 80 130 110 110 600
#0384 Rayquaza Dragon Flying Air Lock
105 150 90 150 90 95 680
#0443 Gible Dragon Ground Sand Veil

Rough Skin

58 70 45 40 45 42 300
#0444 Gabite Dragon Ground Sand Veil

Rough Skin

68 90 65 50 55 82 410
#0445 Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand Veil

Rough Skin

108 130 95 80 85 102 600
#0483 Dialga Steel Dragon Pressure


100 120 120 150 100 90 680
#0483 Dialga
Origin Forme
Steel Dragon Pressure


100 100 120 150 120 90 680
#0484 Palkia Water Dragon Pressure


90 120 100 150 120 100 680
#0484 Palkia
Origin Forme
Water Dragon Pressure


90 100 100 150 120 120 680
#0487 Giratina
Altered Forme
Ghost Dragon Pressure


150 100 120 100 120 90 680
#0487 Giratina
Origin Forme
Ghost Dragon Levitate
150 120 100 120 100 90 680
#0610 Axew Dragon Rivalry
Mold Breaker


46 87 60 30 40 57 320
#0611 Fraxure Dragon Rivalry
Mold Breaker


66 117 70 40 50 67 410
#0612 Haxorus Dragon Rivalry
Mold Breaker


76 147 90 60 70 97 540
#0633 Deino Dark Dragon Hustle
52 65 50 45 50 38 300
#0634 Zweilous Dark Dragon Hustle
72 85 70 65 70 58 420
#0635 Hydreigon Dark Dragon Levitate
92 105 90 125 90 98 600
#0643 Reshiram Dragon Fire Turboblaze
100 120 100 150 120 90 680
#0644 Zekrom Dragon Electric Teravolt
100 150 120 120 100 90 680
#0646 Kyurem
Dragon Ice Pressure
125 130 90 130 90 95 660
#0646 Kyurem
Black Kyurem
Dragon Ice Teravolt
125 170 100 120 90 95 700
#0646 Kyurem
White Kyurem
Dragon Ice Turboblaze
125 120 90 170 100 95 700
#0691 Dragalge Poison Dragon Poison Point
Poison Touch


65 75 90 97 123 44 494
#0704 Goomy Dragon Sap Sipper


45 50 35 55 75 40 300
#0705 Sliggoo Dragon Sap Sipper


68 75 53 83 113 60 452
#0705 Sliggoo
Hisuian Forme
Steel Dragon Sap Sipper
Shell Armor


58 75 83 83 113 40 452
#0706 Goodra Dragon Sap Sipper


90 100 70 110 150 80 600
#0706 Goodra
Hisuian Forme
Steel Dragon Sap Sipper
Shell Armor


80 100 100 110 150 60 600
#0714 Noibat Flying Dragon Frisk


40 30 35 45 40 55 245
#0715 Noivern Flying Dragon Frisk


85 70 80 97 80 123 535
#0782 Jangmo-o Dragon Bulletproof


45 55 65 45 45 45 300
#0783 Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting Bulletproof


55 75 90 65 70 65 420
#0784 Kommo-o Dragon Fighting Bulletproof


75 110 125 100 105 85 600
#0800 Necrozma
Ultra Necrozma
Psychic Dragon Neuroforce
97 167 97 167 97 129 754
#0840 Applin Grass Dragon Ripen


40 40 80 40 40 20 260
#0841 Flapple Grass Dragon Ripen


70 110 80 95 60 70 485
#0842 Appletun Grass Dragon Ripen

Thick Fat

110 85 80 100 80 30 485
#0884 Duraludon Steel Dragon Light Metal
Heavy Metal


70 95 115 120 50 85 535
#0885 Dreepy Dragon Ghost Clear Body

Cursed Body

28 60 30 40 30 82 270
#0886 Drakloak Dragon Ghost Clear Body

Cursed Body

68 80 50 60 50 102 410
#0887 Dragapult Dragon Ghost Clear Body

Cursed Body

88 120 75 100 75 142 600
#0890 Eternatus Poison Dragon Pressure
140 85 95 145 95 130 690
#0895 Regidrago Dragon Dragon’s Maw
200 100 50 100 50 80 580
#0967 Cyclizar Dragon Normal Shed Skin


70 95 65 85 65 121 501
#0978 Tatsugiri
Dragon Water Commander

Storm Drain

68 50 60 120 95 82 475
#0978 Tatsugiri
Droopy Form
Dragon Water Commander

Storm Drain

68 50 60 120 95 82 475
#0978 Tatsugiri
Stretchy Form
Dragon Water Commander

Storm Drain

68 50 60 120 95 82 475
#0996 Frigibax Dragon Ice Thermal Exchange

Ice Body

65 75 45 35 45 55 320
#0997 Arctibax Dragon Ice Thermal Exchange

Ice Body

90 95 66 45 65 62 423
#0998 Baxcalibur Dragon Ice Thermal Exchange

Ice Body

115 145 92 75 86 87 600
#1005 Roaring Moon Dragon Dark Protosynthesis
105 139 71 55 101 119 590
#1007 Koraidon Fighting Dragon Orichalcum Pulse
100 135 115 85 100 135 670
#1008 Miraidon Electric Dragon Hadron Engine
100 85 100 135 115 135 670
#1009 Walking Wake Water Dragon Protosynthesis
99 83 91 125 83 109 590
#1011 Dipplin Grass Dragon Supersweet Syrup
80 80 110 95 80 40 485
#1018 Archaludon Steel Dragon Stamina


90 105 130 125 65 85 600
#1019 Hydrapple Grass Dragon Supersweet Syrup

Sticky Hold

106 80 110 120 80 44 540
#1020 Gouging Fire Fire Dragon Protosynthesis
105 115 121 65 93 91 590
#1021 Raging Bolt Electric Dragon Protosynthesis
125 73 91 137 89 75 590

List of Dragon-type moves

Move Category Power Accuracy PP % Eff
Breaking Swipe 60 100% 15
Draco Meteor 130 90% 5
Dragon Breath 60 100% 20 Paralyze: 30%
Dragon Claw 80 100% 15
Dragon Dance 20
Dragon Darts 50 100% 10
Dragon Energy 150 100% 5
Dragon Pulse 85 100% 10
Dragon Rush 100 75% 10 Flinch: 20%
Dragon Tail 60 90% 10
Dynamax Cannon 100 100% 5
Glaive Rush 120 100% 5
Order Up 80 100% 10
Outrage 120 100% 10
Roar of Time 150 90% 5
Scale Shot 25 90% 20
Spacial Rend 100 95% 5
Twister 40 100% 20 Flinch: 20%

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