List of Electric-type Pokémon

Here you can check a complete list of all Electric-type Pokémon from Scarlet & Violet:

List of Electric-type Pokémon

Num Pokémon Type Abilities Base stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd Total
#0025 Pikachu Electric Static

Lightning Rod

35 55 40 50 50 90 320
#0026 Raichu Electric Static

Lightning Rod

60 90 55 90 80 110 485
#0026 Raichu
Alolan Form
Electric Psychic Surge Surfer
60 85 50 95 85 110 485
#0074 Geodude
Alolan Form
Rock Electric Magnet Pull


40 80 100 30 30 20 300
#0075 Graveler
Alolan Form
Rock Electric Magnet Pull


55 95 115 45 45 35 390
#0076 Golem
Alolan Form
Rock Electric Magnet Pull


80 120 130 55 65 45 495
#0081 Magnemite Electric Steel Magnet Pull


25 35 70 95 55 45 325
#0082 Magneton Electric Steel Magnet Pull


50 60 95 120 70 70 465
#0100 Voltorb Electric Soundproof


40 30 50 55 55 100 330
#0100 Voltorb
Hisuian Form
Electric Grass Soundproof


40 30 50 55 55 100 330
#0101 Electrode Electric Soundproof


60 50 70 80 80 150 490
#0101 Electrode
Hisuian Forme
Electric Grass Soundproof


60 50 70 80 80 150 490
#0125 Electabuzz Electric Static

Vital Spirit

65 83 57 95 85 105 490
#0135 Jolteon Electric Volt Absorb

Quick Feet

65 65 60 110 95 130 525
#0145 Zapdos Electric Flying Pressure


90 90 85 125 90 100 580
#0170 Chinchou Water Electric Volt Absorb

Water Absorb

75 38 38 56 56 67 330
#0171 Lanturn Water Electric Volt Absorb

Water Absorb

125 58 58 76 76 67 460
#0172 Pichu Electric Static

Lightning Rod

20 40 15 35 35 60 205
#0179 Mareep Electric Static


55 40 40 65 45 35 280
#0180 Flaaffy Electric Static


70 55 55 80 60 45 365
#0181 Ampharos Electric Static


90 75 85 115 90 55 510
#0239 Elekid Electric Static

Vital Spirit

45 63 37 65 55 95 360
#0243 Raikou Electric Pressure

Inner Focus

90 85 75 115 100 115 580
#0311 Plusle Electric Plus

Lightning Rod

60 50 40 85 75 95 405
#0312 Minun Electric Minus

Volt Absorb

60 40 50 75 85 95 405
#0403 Shinx Electric Rivalry


45 65 34 40 34 45 263
#0404 Luxio Electric Rivalry


60 85 49 60 49 60 363
#0405 Luxray Electric Rivalry


80 120 79 95 79 70 523
#0417 Pachirisu Electric Run Away

Volt Absorb

60 45 70 45 90 95 405
#0462 Magnezone Electric Steel Magnet Pull


70 70 115 130 90 60 535
#0466 Electivire Electric Motor Drive

Vital Spirit

75 123 67 95 85 95 540
#0479 Rotom
Electric Ghost Levitate
50 50 77 95 77 91 440
#0479 Rotom
Heat Rotom
Electric Fire Levitate
50 65 107 105 107 86 520
#0479 Rotom
Wash Rotom
Electric Water Levitate
50 65 107 105 107 86 520
#0479 Rotom
Frost Rotom
Electric Ice Levitate
50 65 107 105 107 86 520
#0479 Rotom
Fan Rotom
Electric Flying Levitate
50 65 107 105 107 86 520
#0479 Rotom
Mow Rotom
Electric Grass Levitate
50 65 107 105 107 86 520
#0522 Blitzle Electric Lightning Rod
Motor Drive

Sap Sipper

45 60 32 50 32 76 295
#0523 Zebstrika Electric Lightning Rod
Motor Drive

Sap Sipper

75 100 63 80 63 116 497
#0595 Joltik Bug Electric Compound Eyes


50 47 50 57 50 65 319
#0596 Galvantula Bug Electric Compound Eyes


70 77 60 97 60 108 472
#0602 Tynamo Electric Levitate
35 55 40 45 40 60 275
#0603 Eelektrik Electric Levitate
65 85 70 75 70 40 405
#0604 Eelektross Electric Levitate
85 115 80 105 80 50 515
#0642 Thundurus
Incarnate Forme
Electric Flying Prankster


79 115 70 125 80 111 580
#0642 Thundurus
Therian Forme
Electric Flying Volt Absorb
79 105 70 145 80 101 580
#0644 Zekrom Dragon Electric Teravolt
100 150 120 120 100 90 680
#0702 Dedenne Electric Fairy Cheek Pouch


67 58 57 81 67 101 431
#0737 Charjabug Bug Electric Battery
57 82 95 55 75 36 400
#0738 Vikavolt Bug Electric Levitate
77 70 90 145 75 43 500
#0741 Oricorio
Pom-Pom Style
Electric Flying Dancer
75 70 70 98 70 93 476
#0848 Toxel Electric Poison Rattled


40 38 35 54 35 40 242
#0849 Toxtricity
Amped Form
Electric Poison Punk Rock


75 98 70 114 70 75 502
#0849 Toxtricity
Low Key Form
Electric Poison Punk Rock


75 98 70 114 70 75 502
#0871 Pincurchin Electric Lightning Rod

Electric Surge

48 101 95 91 85 15 435
#0877 Morpeko
Full Belly Mode
Electric Dark Hunger Switch
58 95 58 70 58 97 436
#0877 Morpeko
Hangry Mode
Electric Dark Hunger Switch
58 95 58 70 58 97 436
#0894 Regieleki Electric Transistor
80 100 50 100 50 200 580
#0921 Pawmi Electric Static
Natural Cure

Iron Fist

45 50 20 40 25 60 240
#0922 Pawmo Electric Fighting Volt Absorb
Natural Cure

Iron Fist

60 75 40 50 40 85 350
#0923 Pawmot Electric Fighting Volt Absorb
Natural Cure

Iron Fist

70 115 70 70 60 105 490
#0938 Tadbulb Electric Own Tempo


61 31 41 59 35 45 272
#0939 Bellibolt Electric Electromorphosis


109 64 91 103 83 45 495
#0940 Wattrel Electric Flying Wind Power
Volt Absorb


40 40 35 55 40 70 280
#0941 Kilowattrel Electric Flying Wind Power
Volt Absorb


70 70 60 105 60 125 490
#0989 Sandy Shocks Electric Ground Protosynthesis
85 81 97 121 85 101 570
#0992 Iron Hands Fighting Electric Quark Drive
154 140 108 50 68 50 570
#0995 Iron Thorns Rock Electric Quark Drive
100 134 110 70 84 72 570
#1008 Miraidon Electric Dragon Hadron Engine
100 85 100 135 115 135 670
#1021 Raging Bolt Electric Dragon Protosynthesis
125 73 91 137 89 75 590

List of Electric-type moves

Move Category Power Accuracy PP % Eff
Charge 20
Charge Beam 50 90% 10
Discharge 80 100% 15 Paralyze: 30%
Double Shock 120 100% 5
Eerie Impulse 100% 15
Electric Terrain 10
Electro Ball 1 100% 10
Electro Drift 100 100% 5
Electroweb 55 95% 15
Magnet Rise 10
Magnetic Flux 20
Nuzzle 20 100% 20 Paralyze: 100%
Overdrive 80 100% 10
Parabolic Charge 65 100% 20
Rising Voltage 70 100% 20
Shock Wave 60 20
Spark 65 100% 20 Paralyze: 30%
Thunder 110 70% 10 Paralyze: 30%
Thunder Cage 80 90% 15 Trap: 100%
Thunder Fang 65 95% 15 Flinch: 10%
Paralyze: 10%
Thunder Punch 75 100% 15 Paralyze: 10%
Thunder Shock 40 100% 30 Paralyze: 10%
Thunder Wave 90% 20
Thunderbolt 90 100% 15 Paralyze: 10%
Volt Switch 70 100% 20
Volt Tackle 120 100% 15 Paralyze: 10%
Wild Charge 90 100% 15
Wildbolt Storm 100 80% 10 Paralyze: 20%
Zap Cannon 120 50% 5 Paralyze: 100%
Zing Zap 80 100% 10 Flinch: 30%

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