List of Grass-type Pokémon

Here you can check a complete list of all Grass-type Pokémon from Scarlet & Violet:

List of Grass-type Pokémon

Num Pokémon Type Abilities Base stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd Total
#0001 Bulbasaur Grass Poison Overgrow


45 49 49 65 65 45 318
#0002 Ivysaur Grass Poison Overgrow


60 62 63 80 80 60 405
#0003 Venusaur Grass Poison Overgrow


80 82 83 100 100 80 525
#0043 Oddish Grass Poison Chlorophyll

Run Away

45 50 55 75 65 30 320
#0044 Gloom Grass Poison Chlorophyll


60 65 70 85 75 40 395
#0045 Vileplume Grass Poison Chlorophyll

Effect Spore

75 80 85 110 90 50 490
#0069 Bellsprout Grass Poison Chlorophyll


50 75 35 70 30 40 300
#0070 Weepinbell Grass Poison Chlorophyll


65 90 50 85 45 55 390
#0071 Victreebel Grass Poison Chlorophyll


80 105 65 100 70 70 490
#0100 Voltorb
Hisuian Form
Electric Grass Soundproof


40 30 50 55 55 100 330
#0101 Electrode
Hisuian Forme
Electric Grass Soundproof


60 50 70 80 80 150 490
#0102 Exeggcute Grass Psychic Chlorophyll


60 40 80 60 45 40 325
#0103 Exeggutor Grass Psychic Chlorophyll


95 95 85 125 75 55 530
#0103 Exeggutor
Alolan Form
Grass Dragon Frisk


95 105 85 125 75 45 530
#0152 Chikorita Grass Overgrow

Leaf Guard

45 49 65 49 65 45 318
#0153 Bayleef Grass Overgrow

Leaf Guard

60 62 80 63 80 60 405
#0154 Meganium Grass Overgrow

Leaf Guard

80 82 100 83 100 80 525
#0182 Bellossom Grass Chlorophyll


75 80 95 90 100 50 490
#0187 Hoppip Grass Flying Chlorophyll
Leaf Guard


35 35 40 35 55 50 250
#0188 Skiploom Grass Flying Chlorophyll
Leaf Guard


55 45 50 45 65 80 340
#0189 Jumpluff Grass Flying Chlorophyll
Leaf Guard


75 55 70 55 95 110 460
#0191 Sunkern Grass Chlorophyll
Solar Power

Early Bird

30 30 30 30 30 30 180
#0192 Sunflora Grass Chlorophyll
Solar Power

Early Bird

75 75 55 105 85 30 425
#0252 Treecko Grass Overgrow


40 45 35 65 55 70 310
#0253 Grovyle Grass Overgrow


50 65 45 85 65 95 405
#0254 Sceptile Grass Overgrow


70 85 65 105 85 120 530
#0270 Lotad Water Grass Swift Swim
Rain Dish

Own Tempo

40 30 30 40 50 30 220
#0271 Lombre Water Grass Swift Swim
Rain Dish

Own Tempo

60 50 50 60 70 50 340
#0272 Ludicolo Water Grass Swift Swim
Rain Dish

Own Tempo

80 70 70 90 100 70 480
#0273 Seedot Grass Chlorophyll
Early Bird


40 40 50 30 30 30 220
#0274 Nuzleaf Grass Dark Chlorophyll
Early Bird


70 70 40 60 40 60 340
#0275 Shiftry Grass Dark Chlorophyll
Early Bird


90 100 60 90 60 80 480
#0285 Shroomish Grass Effect Spore
Poison Heal

Quick Feet

60 40 60 40 60 35 295
#0286 Breloom Grass Fighting Effect Spore
Poison Heal


60 130 80 60 60 70 460
#0331 Cacnea Grass Sand Veil

Water Absorb

50 85 40 85 40 35 335
#0332 Cacturne Grass Dark Sand Veil

Water Absorb

70 115 60 115 60 55 475
#0357 Tropius Grass Flying Chlorophyll
Solar Power


99 68 83 72 87 51 460
#0387 Turtwig Grass Overgrow

Shell Armor

55 68 64 45 55 31 318
#0388 Grotle Grass Overgrow

Shell Armor

75 89 85 55 65 36 405
#0389 Torterra Grass Ground Overgrow

Shell Armor

95 109 105 75 85 56 525
#0459 Snover Grass Ice Snow Warning


60 62 50 62 60 40 334
#0460 Abomasnow Grass Ice Snow Warning


90 92 75 92 85 60 494
#0470 Leafeon Grass Leaf Guard


65 110 130 60 65 95 525
#0479 Rotom
Mow Rotom
Electric Grass Levitate
50 65 107 105 107 86 520
#0492 Shaymin
Land Forme
Grass Natural Cure
100 100 100 100 100 100 600
#0492 Shaymin
Sky Forme
Grass Flying Serene Grace
100 103 75 120 75 127 600
#0495 Snivy Grass Overgrow


45 45 55 45 55 63 308
#0496 Servine Grass Overgrow


60 60 75 60 75 83 413
#0497 Serperior Grass Overgrow


75 75 95 75 95 113 528
#0540 Sewaddle Bug Grass Swarm


45 53 70 40 60 42 310
#0541 Swadloon Bug Grass Leaf Guard


55 63 90 50 80 42 380
#0542 Leavanny Bug Grass Swarm


75 103 80 70 80 92 500
#0546 Cottonee Grass Fairy Prankster


40 27 60 37 50 66 280
#0547 Whimsicott Grass Fairy Prankster


60 67 85 77 75 116 480
#0548 Petilil Grass Chlorophyll
Own Tempo

Leaf Guard

45 35 50 70 50 30 280
#0549 Lilligant Grass Chlorophyll
Own Tempo

Leaf Guard

70 60 75 110 75 90 480
#0549 Lilligant
Hisuian Forme
Grass Fighting 70 105 75 50 75 105 480
#0585 Deerling
Spring Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

60 60 50 40 50 75 335
#0585 Deerling
Summer Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

60 60 50 40 50 75 335
#0585 Deerling
Autumn Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

60 60 50 40 50 75 335
#0585 Deerling
Winter Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

60 60 50 40 50 75 335
#0586 Sawsbuck
Spring Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

80 100 70 60 70 95 475
#0586 Sawsbuck
Summer Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

80 100 70 60 70 95 475
#0586 Sawsbuck
Autumn Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

80 100 70 60 70 95 475
#0586 Sawsbuck
Winter Form
Normal Grass Chlorophyll
Sap Sipper

Serene Grace

80 100 70 60 70 95 475
#0590 Foongus Grass Poison Effect Spore


69 55 45 55 55 15 294
#0591 Amoonguss Grass Poison Effect Spore


114 85 70 85 80 30 464
#0640 Virizion Grass Fighting Justified
91 90 72 90 129 108 580
#0650 Chespin Grass Overgrow


56 61 65 48 45 38 313
#0651 Quilladin Grass Overgrow


61 78 95 56 58 57 405
#0652 Chesnaught Grass Fighting Overgrow


88 107 122 74 75 64 530
#0672 Skiddo Grass Sap Sipper

Grass Pelt

66 65 48 62 57 52 350
#0673 Gogoat Grass Sap Sipper

Grass Pelt

123 100 62 97 81 68 531
#0708 Phantump Ghost Grass Natural Cure


43 70 48 50 60 38 309
#0709 Trevenant Ghost Grass Natural Cure


85 110 76 65 82 56 474
#0722 Rowlet Grass Flying Overgrow

Long Reach

68 55 55 50 50 42 320
#0723 Dartrix Grass Flying Overgrow

Long Reach

78 75 75 70 70 52 420
#0724 Decidueye Grass Ghost Overgrow

Long Reach

78 107 75 100 100 70 530
#0724 Decidueye
Hisuian Forme
Grass Fighting Overgrow


88 112 80 95 95 60 530
#0753 Fomantis Grass Leaf Guard


40 55 35 50 35 35 250
#0754 Lurantis Grass Leaf Guard


70 105 90 80 90 45 480
#0761 Bounsweet Grass Leaf Guard

Sweet Veil

42 30 38 30 38 32 210
#0762 Steenee Grass Leaf Guard

Sweet Veil

52 40 48 40 48 62 290
#0763 Tsareena Grass Leaf Guard
Queenly Majesty

Sweet Veil

72 120 98 50 98 72 510
#0810 Grookey Grass Overgrow

Grassy Surge

50 65 50 40 40 65 310
#0811 Thwackey Grass Overgrow

Grassy Surge

70 85 70 55 60 80 420
#0812 Rillaboom Grass Overgrow

Grassy Surge

100 125 90 60 70 85 530
#0840 Applin Grass Dragon Ripen


40 40 80 40 40 20 260
#0841 Flapple Grass Dragon Ripen


70 110 80 95 60 70 485
#0842 Appletun Grass Dragon Ripen

Thick Fat

110 85 80 100 80 30 485
#0893 Zarude Dark Grass Leaf Guard
105 120 105 70 95 105 600
#0893 Zarude
Dark Grass Leaf Guard
105 120 105 70 95 105 600
#0898 Calyrex Psychic Grass Unnerve
100 80 80 80 80 80 500
#0906 Sprigatito Grass Overgrow


40 61 54 45 45 65 310
#0907 Floragato Grass Overgrow


61 80 63 60 63 83 410
#0908 Meowscarada Grass Dark Overgrow


76 110 70 81 70 123 530
#0928 Smoliv Grass Normal Early Bird


41 35 45 58 51 30 260
#0929 Dolliv Grass Normal Early Bird


52 53 60 78 78 33 354
#0930 Arboliva Grass Normal Seed Sower


78 69 90 125 109 39 510
#0946 Bramblin Grass Ghost Wind Rider


40 65 30 45 35 60 275
#0947 Brambleghast Grass Ghost Wind Rider


55 115 70 80 70 90 480
#0948 Toedscool Ground Grass Mycelium Might
40 40 35 50 100 70 335
#0949 Toedscruel Ground Grass Mycelium Might
80 70 65 80 120 100 515
#0951 Capsakid Grass Chlorophyll


50 62 40 62 40 50 304
#0952 Scovillain Grass Fire Chlorophyll


65 108 65 108 65 75 486
#0986 Brute Bonnet Grass Dark Protosynthesis
111 127 99 79 99 55 570
#1001 Wo-Chien Dark Grass Tablets of Ruin
85 90 100 100 135 70 580
#1010 Iron Leaves Grass Psychic Quark Drive
90 130 88 70 108 104 590
#1011 Dipplin Grass Dragon Supersweet Syrup
80 80 110 95 80 40 485
#1012 Poltchageist
Unremarkable Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
40 45 45 74 54 50 308
#1012 Poltchageist
Masterpiece Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
40 45 45 74 54 50 308
#1013 Sinistcha
Unremarkable Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
71 60 106 121 80 70 508
#1013 Sinistcha
Masterpiece Form
Grass Ghost Hospitality
71 60 106 121 80 70 508
#1017 Ogerpon
Teal Mask Form
Grass Embody Aspect
80 120 84 60 96 110 550
#1017 Ogerpon
Wellspring Mask Form
Grass Water Embody Aspect
80 120 84 60 96 110 550
#1017 Ogerpon
Heartflame Mask Form
Grass Fire Embody Aspect
80 120 84 60 96 110 550
#1017 Ogerpon
Cornstone Mask Form
Grass Rock Embody Aspect
80 120 84 60 96 110 550
#1019 Hydrapple Grass Dragon Supersweet Syrup

Sticky Hold

106 80 110 120 80 44 540

List of Grass-type moves

Move Category Power Accuracy PP % Eff
Absorb 20 100% 25
Apple Acid 80 100% 10
Branch Poke 40 100% 40
Bullet Seed 25 100% 30
Chloroblast 150 95% 5
Cotton Guard 10
Cotton Spore 100% 40
Drum Beating 80 100% 10
Energy Ball 90 100% 10
Flower Trick 70 10
Frenzy Plant 150 90% 5
Giga Drain 75 100% 10
Grass Knot 1 100% 20
Grass Pledge 80 100% 10
Grassy Glide 60 100% 20
Grassy Terrain 10
Grav Apple 80 100% 10
Horn Leech 75 100% 10
Ingrain 20
Ivy Cudgel 100 100% 10
Jungle Healing 10
Leaf Blade 90 100% 15
Leaf Storm 130 90% 5
Leafage 40 100% 40
Leech Seed 90% 10
Magical Leaf 60 20
Matcha Gotcha 80 90% 15
Mega Drain 40 100% 15
Petal Blizzard 90 100% 15
Petal Dance 120 100% 10
Power Whip 120 85% 10
Razor Leaf 55 95% 25
Seed Bomb 80 100% 15
Sleep Powder 75% 15
Solar Beam 120 100% 10
Solar Blade 125 100% 10
Spicy Extract 15
Spiky Shield 10
Spore 100% 15
Strength Sap 100% 10
Stun Spore 75% 30
Synthesis 5
Syrup Bomb 60 85% 10
Trailblaze 50 100% 20
Trop Kick 70 100% 15
Vine Whip 45 100% 25
Wood Hammer 120 100% 15
Worry Seed 100% 10

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