1. Mundo Pokémon (Spanish Version of "Pokémon World" - bonus track) (Descargar)
2. The Power Of One (Descargar)
3. Dreams (Descargar)
4. They Don't Understand (Descargar)
5. Wonderland (Descargar)
6. With All Your Heart (Descargar)
7. The Extra Mile (Descargar)
8. Flying Without Wings (Descargar)
9. Pokémon World (Descargar)
10. Blah, Blah, Blah (Descargar)
11. Polkamon (Descargar)
12. The Chosen One (Descargar)
13. One Heart (Descargar)
14. One (Descargar)
15. Comin' To The Rescue (Descargar)
16. Dance Of The Bellosom (Descargar)
17. The Legend Comes To Life (Descargar)
18. "Mundo Mágico" (Spanish Version of "Wonderland" - bonus track) (Descargar)
19. "La Luz Del Amor" (Spanish Version of "One" - bonus track) (Descargar)
20. Mundo Pokémon (Karaoke Version - Bonus Track) (Descargar)
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