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Indigo League
Showdown at the Po-ké Corral

Below you can watch online Episode 67 from Season 1, titled Showdown at the Po-ké Corral.
On a visit to Professor Oak’s house, Ash runs into Gary, and they talk about the upcoming Pokémon League. Professor Oak says they should learn from each other rather than competing, and that teamwork pays off when Team Rocket attacks!
In other languages
Espectáculo en el Poké-corral
Uniti nel pericolo
Ewige Rivalen
Règlement de compte à Poké Corrall
De Krachtmeting in het Po-ké Kamp
Espetáculo no Poké-Curral
¡Duelo en el Poké-Corral!
Watch online Showdown at the Po-ké Corral
Pokémon Project
Image Gallery of Espectáculo en el Poké-corral
Cache: on | Queries: 8 | Generation time: 14ms